Exhibition Dates: June 2 – August 27, 2023

Angular and ameobic, frenetically fluorescent and minimally monochrome, Allison Tanenhaus’ glitch art rocketeers to unexpected, ultra-sensory places. For her Project Room exhibition, Tanenhaus presents a collection of music video commissions and collaborations from 2020-present. She fuses psychedelic hues and hypnotic motion into melodic, multidisciplinary hybrids.
Allison’s work has been showcased in 26 countries via exhibitions, public art, festivals, and guerrilla postings. Highlights include the ICA Store at the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Boston Cyberarts, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, SaveArtSpace, “Empowered Women Empower Women” curated by Paris Hilton, the Alternative Power 100 by shesaid.so and Patreon, and her traveling shows “GlitchKraft” and “Haus Party.”