Our Supporters

strong communities;
SBMA is committed to building strong community partnerships to support the arts.

Corporate Sponsors

Corporate Sponsors
Our Supporters
Donors, Sponsorship & Grant
Penn Harris Madison School Corp.
South Bend Community School Corp.
Art League
City of South Bend
Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
Electronics, Inc.
Gurley Leep Automotive Family
Craig & Carol Kapson
Suzanne Miller Estate
Shein Trust
Vala Marketing
Christina Wolf
1st Source Wealth Advisory Services
Anonymous Angel Fund of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
Steve & Louise Anella
Baird Financial Advisors
James Bernath
Charles W. Cole Jr. Fund of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
Ed Everett & Kitty Rose
Kyle Everett
Everwise Credit Union
Stephen & Barbara Fredman
Graham Allen Partners
Holly & Jim Harris
Charles Hayes
Deborah Hershey-Miller & Jeff Miller
Katie Humphries & Ralph Komasinski
Craig & Carol Kapson
LaSalle Grill
Tim & Sue Liddell
Paul & Jessica Maich
Matthews, LLC
Sara Miller
Chris & Carmi Murphy
National Endowment for the Arts
James F. & Mary Anna Peacock Family Fund of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
Ally Powers and Jim Clemenson
Dick & Mary Reineke
Dr. Lisa Shaffer & Amy Heller
Shein Trust
Andrew & Rebecca Sommese
George C. Stump
The Thoma/Auth Community Development Fund of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
University of Notre Dame
Tom & Anita Veldman
Martyn & Kathleen Wills
Nanci Yokom
Lucille C. Zilky Charitable Trust
Up to $750
Mary Ashton
Mary Anne Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Banulis
Faith Beaupre
Lynn Blue
Ian Bolger
Jacob Borowski
Anna F. Bowers
Genu Buhlinger
Rosalie A. Campanale
Mary Beth Carlstrom
Mark Carney
Dru Cash
Judith Chase
Mary Jane Chase
Ann Clark & Charles Kirkpatrick
Rosemary Coomes
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Crabb
Alice Crowley
Monica Cundiff
Scott Cunningham
Karl P. Davenport
Evan Didler
Debbie Dulcet
Janet Egyhazi
Lucy F. Emery
Angie & Phil Faccenda
Patricia W. Falvey
Anne Feferman
Mary Firtl
Lynne Fischgrund Ziker
Foley & Small
Mauro Fonacier
Janet Frasch
Anthony Germano
Lea Goldman & Doug Simmons
Joe Griesinger
Hahn Funeral Homes, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Halloran
Suzanne Harris
Alice Henry
Geri Hathaway
Marsha Heck
Eileen Hsu
Maureen Huddleston
Mary Anne Hurst
Indiana Women’s Caucus for Art
Janet Johnson
Mrs. Fred Kagel
Jonathan & Edwina Kintner Family Fund of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
Greg Kuharic
Janice & Tuck Langland
Michael & Lois Lasater
Judy & John Lehner
Louise & David T. Leighton
Kelly Lesiuk
Joshua Levit
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Link
John Lyghtel
Mary Lyghtel
Leland & Madeline MacMillan
Maria Madrid
Claudia A. Maslowski
Raymond McLein
Gary McMahan
Mr. & Mrs. Pat McMahon
Sharon & Patrick McManus
Tami McNally
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen McTigue
Barb Miller
Rose Mireles
Vanesa Miseres
Mary Lou & Pete Mullen
Diann Nelson
Kathleen Newhoff
Northern Indiana Artists, Inc.
Richard Nussbaum
Scott H. Peacock
John Pfeil
Linda Sue Phillips
Wendy Pierce
Charlene Plasschaert
Dr. John N. Porter
Radiology, Inc.
Elizabeth Reinke
Gerry Ritchhart
Nick Rizzuti
Teresa Roberts
Bob & Debbie Rosenfeld
Dr. David & Mitzi B. Sabato
Mary & Brown L. Sanders
Sally Schreiber
Ann & Ron Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Simeri
South Bend Civic Theatre
William Spalding
Mary Jane Stanley
J.D. Sullivan
George C. Stump
Marilyn Sytsma
Ann Tideman
Linda Toth
Jean Twisdale
Esther Van der Wal & Djavid Hadian
Cynthia Weibel
Judy Wenig-Horswell
Ruth Warren
Thomas Werge
Cyndy & Craig Wilson
Teresa Wolf
Kathy Wyatt
Anthony Yorio
Judith Yorio
Tanis Pius Yorio
Dr. & Mrs. Jan C. Green
Peg Larson
Vincenzo Mangione
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Nickle
Susan R. Visser
Vala Marketing
Sara Miller
Deborah Bernhard
Janette Burkhart-Miller
Karla P. Davenport
Sharon & Patrick McManus
Gwenda Oesch
Gundega Penikis
John & Barb Phair
Dick & Mary Reineke
Dr. David & Mitzi B. Sabato
Mary & L. Brown Sanders
William & Diane Sarnat
George C. Stump
Anita & Clint Thompson
Nanci Yokom
Vala Marketing
Patrick Albert
Dr. Asad Ansari & Adeela Alizai
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Boettcher
Rachel Boyd
Mark Caprio
Dru Cash
Jack & Yuko Champaigne
Ann Clark & Charles Kirkpatrick
Suzanne Cole
Paul Crowley
David & Julie Deahl
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dennen
Mr. & Mrs. Bipin Doshi
Amanda Duddleson
Georges Enderle
Alan & Michelle Engel
Ed Everett & Kitty Rose
Kyle P. Everett
Anne Feferman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alan Feldbaum
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Felger
Judy Ferrara
Sallee Field
Betsy Fulnecky & Wayne Purucker
Lea Goldman & Doug Simmons
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Goldwin
Cari Groman Shein & Barry Shein
Gurley Leep Automotive Family
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Halloran
Charles Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gordon Hostetler
Katie Humphreys & Ralph Komaskinski
Craig & Carol Kapson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tom Keller
Dr. & Mrs. James Kelly
Marjorie Kinsey
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Brent Kitts
Paul & Natalie Klein
Amy Klingler
Michael & Maryellyn Knight
Bill & Sue Lamie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lasater
Charles F. Lehman
Charles S. Leone
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Link
Peg & Steve Luecke
Keith & Nancy Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mancini
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen McTigue
Gail Rebecca & Albert E. Miller
Murray Miller
Linda Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Myers
Robert Nguimfack
Dr. Susan Ohmer & Dr. Donald Crafton
Michael Paris
Scott H. Peacock
Mrs. Dean Porter
Ally Powers & Jim Clemenson
Yupadi Prasertwanitch
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pycik
Teresa Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Romans
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rosenberg
Joseph Segura
Lisa Shaffer & Amy Heller
Kirsten Sharpe
Susan Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Simeri
Mrs. Charles S. Simon
Susan Taccheri
Mr. & Mrs. Quinn Thurin
Rebecca Torstrick & Jeffrey Sutter
Esther Van Der Wal & Djavid Hadian
Linda & Erik Waelchli
Mrs. James Walton
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Watson
Mary Watt-Strieder & William Strieder
Marika Wilson Smith