October 16, 2021 – January 2, 2022
Project Room
November 12, 2021 | 5:30–8:00 p.m. EST
Please join us for a free and public reception as we celebrate all of our fall exhibitions, including Rachelle Mozman Solano: All These Things I Carry With Me, “Our Strength Is Our People”: The Humanist Photographs of Lewis Hine, and Amy Elkins: Parting Words.
Screening and Artist Talk:
November 18, 2021 | 6:00 p.m. EST
Please join us for this free event which will begin with a screening of All These Things I Carry With Me followed by an in-person artist talk where Rachelle Mozman Solano will speak about her work and answer questions from visitors. This event is a collaboration between SBMA and the Department of Art, Art History & Design at the University of Notre Dame.
All These Things I Carry With Me, is an experimental narrative based on transcribed interviews Rachelle Mozman Solano conducted with her mother in the summer of 2018 during the parent child separation crisis. The film focuses on her mother’s experience immigrating from Panamá to the United States in the mid 1960s, the current American political climate, and the immigrant experience. Within the work, her mother (performed by Carolina Solano) expresses isolation, fear and her feeling of loss and struggle through verbatim conversations that reveal personal history, microaggressions and day to day life experiences.
Rachelle Mozman Solano grew up in New York City and works between New York and Panama. Starting often from her biography and family history Mozman explores how the intersection of history, class and race forms individual experience. Her work is concerned with the convergence of ideology, mythology, economics and the psyche, through photographs and films that explore narrative as inherent to humanity and shaped by perception. Mozman’s art is deeply informed by her clinical work in psychoanalysis. In 2020 Mozman released her monograph, Colonial Echo with Kris Graves Projects. In 2019 Mozman had a solo exhibiton, Metamorphosis of Failure at Smack Mellon and in 2018 she exhibited El espejo opaco de Gauguin, Arteconsult, Panamá. In 2019 Mozman was awarded a NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship. Mozman has been awarded a NYC Film and Media Grant, Jerome Foundation fellowship and she has held residencies at LMCC workspace, Smack Mellon, The Camera Club of New York, and Light Work. Her work has been published in the Light Work annual Contact Sheet, Presumed Innocence, Exit magazine and others.
Mozman is a Fulbright Fellow, and has exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery at Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C, the Americas Society, New York, New York, National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, New York, the Chelsea Museum, New York, New York, The DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, Massachusetts, the Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California, the Shore Institute of Contemporary Art, Long Branch, New Jersey, Festival de la luz at the Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina the Instituto Cultural Itau, São Paulo, Brazil, the Friese Museum, Berlin, Germany, the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo, Uruguay, Centro Cultural de España, Mexico City, Mexico, Festival Biarritz, Biarritz, France, as well as the IX Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador.
Learn more about Rachelle Mozman Solano at rachellemozman.com.

Artist accommodations generously provided by The Inn at St. Mary’s