Jason Wesaw installation

First Friday, August 4: Jason Wesaw, Festival of Banners and Student Faculty Awards

Join us Friday, August 4th from 5-8pm for an exciting roster of events!

We’ll be celebrating three new exhibitions:  On The Banks, Above a new solo show by Jason Wesaw in The Art League Gallery; 2023 Student Faculty Exhibition juried by artist Sara Fahling; and Our Backyard (Everyday Scenes and a Few Monuments), a permanent collection exhibition in Weikamp Gallery.

We’ll also be kicking off the installation of our Festival of Banners throughout downtown South Bend!  Festival of Banners is a partnership between SBMA and DTSB. This year we asked artists of all ages to create an artwork in response to the theme Heroes and Leaders. 87 artworks were selected to be printed on banners and hung throughout downtown South Bend. An award ceremony will take place during the reception for the Youth, Teen, Adult, and Best Overall awards.




Aug 04 2023

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