July 24 – October 3, 2021 | Warner Gallery
Reception: Friday, September 3 | 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. EST
Now in its 31st incarnation, the South Bend Museum of Art’s all media Biennial 31 presents a diverse look into contemporary artwork made by artists living in the Midwest. Open to artists residing in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin, this exhibition is an up-to-date dialogue of art happening in our own backyard. The pool of exhibiting artists is deliberately limited to allow for the showing of a greater body of work by each artist. From 342 submitting artists, twelve were selected by juror Misa Jeffereis.
Biennial 31 artists are:
Mandy Cano Villalobos, Grand Rapids, MI, mandycano.com, Juror Award
Eli Craven, Lafayette, IN, elicraven.com
Nicole Davis, Coralville, IA, nicoledavisart.com
Jessica Harvey, Glendale, WI, thejessicaharvey.com
Yichen Hu, Indianapolis, IN, yichenhu.com
Angelo Ray Martínez, South Bend, IN, angeloraymartinez.com
John Harlan Norris, Lexington, KY, johnharlannorris.com
Alissa Ohashi, Columbus, OH, alissaohashiphotography.com, Merit Award
Ahmed Ozsever, Bloomington, IN, ahmedozsever.com, Juror Award
Anna Showers-Cruser, Chicago, IL, annashowerscruser.com
Nalani Stolz, Columbus, OH, nalanistolz.com, Merit Award
Jacqueline Weaver, Oak Park, IL, jacquelineweaver.com, Best in Show
Juror Misa Jeffereis is Assistant Curator at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (CAM). Misa recently organized the Great Rivers Biennial 2020, featuring Kahlil Robert Irving, Tim Portlock, and Rachel Youn. At CAM, she curates the Street Views video projection series and has organized exhibitions by Jonathas de Andrade, Oliver Laric, Jennifer West, and Marina Zurkow. Prior to CAM, Misa was Curatorial Associate at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, where she curated exhibitions by Lee Kit and the Guerrilla Girls. Misa holds a Masters in Art History from Hunter College in New York.
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Sponsored in part by Courtyard by Marriott, downtown South Bend. Providing artist accommodations for our 2021 season of exhibitions.