Now showing in the Crowley Community Gallery

A horizon in a painting often indicates a plane, a place of stability for the eye. And typically we consider a horizon to be singular. Yet with Horizons Reimagined, artists show us the possibility of many. Are there many different worlds? Many different futures? Is a horizon a goal to which we should aspire? Is it far off in the distance and out of reach? Or is the horizon an indication of what is to come? Can we expect or hope for joy, beauty, peace or should we take heed of its early warning? This theme creates the possibility of dreaming impossible things and creating imaginative visions of what is, what could be, what was or what might be. In this exhibition, members of Area Artists Association have reimagined the concept of “Horizons.”
Area Artists Association (A3) is a non-profit organization of professional artists affiliated with the Lubeznik Center for the Arts (LCA) in Michigan City, Indiana. Artists who live/work within 60 miles of Michigan City, Indiana may be juried into the association through review by current A3 members.