Exhibition Dates: January 20 – March 24, 2024
The South Bend Museum of Art is thrilled to announce the first solo museum exhibition by artist David Martin in The Art League Gallery. David Martin is a citizen of the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians and used his upbringing in a traditional native family to influence his art. Proudly self-trained, his artistic mediums include oil painting, beadwork, and tattoo art. He is an independent local artist with current appointments serving as a member of the Indigenous Consultation Committee at Notre Dame’s Raclin Murphy Museum of Art and as the 2023-24 Artist-in-Residence at Notre Dame’s Initiative on Race and Resilience.
David Martin’s exhibition is a part of the SBMA’s collaborative project with the St. Joseph Public Library that showcases the creative work by the Pokagon Band community members of our region. Funded by ArtsMidwest and the NEA Big Reads Grant, we have also been collectively reading and discussing the novel “There, There” by Tommy Orange, which focuses on the diversity of the Native American community in an urban setting. There are two more book discussions being planned for spring…check back for more details!
Join us for the First Friday event celebrating David Martin’s solo exhibition as well the the annual Performing Media Festival! Friday, February 2, 2024 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Details on the program for this event are coming up…check back soon! All events are free and open to the public.