March 22 – May 25, 2014
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Printmakers have historically brought innovation to fine art through the use of new technologies and creative approaches. This exhibition showcases the emergence of new ideas and inspired voices, articulated in the 45 printworks created by 40 members of the MAPC. Printmaking—whereby the artist creates a composition on a matrix and transfers it to a sheet of paper—encompasses a broad range of processes (media) from the ancient technique of woodcut to the recent use of digital tools. Nearly all processes are represented here; many incorporate more than one technique in the finished print, along with hand colored portions, including altered book pages. Artists utilize print media to express their critical practice, and that practice can range from a one-color print to an installation covering an entire building. In this exhibition printmakers make use of the expressive aspects of a print media and print one or more layer on top of another in order to create complex meanings. This exhibition was juried by the Segura Arts Studio, which includes Joe Segura, Tamarind Master Printer and Director, Douglas Franson, Associate Director, Jill Lerner, Master Printer, and Jes O’Hearn, Production Printer. Segura Arts Studio is located at the Notre Dame Center for Arts & Culture on West Washington Street in South Bend. Formerly known as the Segura Publishing Company, the Studio has a 30-year history of collaborating with underrepresented artists—with a particular interest in Hispanic art—fostering relationships, producing original works of art and guiding artists into the mainstream art community.
“This was an important moment for those of us working in the Segura Arts Studio. The invitation to jury the 2014 Mid America Print Council exhibition gave us the opportunity to sit down and make decisions together about what works are significant.
Because this show does not have a theme, each individual artist was able to express themselves from their own conceptual foundation showing a diversity of ideas and techniques. The selection of work presented in this exhibition display intrigue, humor, and beauty.” – from the Jurors’ Statement

The MAPC is a resource to educational and non-profit organizations, universities, and the public at large, providing for the exchange of technical and critical information on the art of printmaking. These goals are furthered through conferences and workshops; through the organization, display, and circulation of exhibitions of original prints, books, hand-made paper, and drawings; through newsletters, and journal articles; through awards given to those deserving special recognition for lifetime contribution to printmaking; and through research, study, and general enjoyment of the arts. MAPC membership is available to all, conference locations are limited to our conference states. The next conference will be in September 2014 in Detroit. Learn more about The MAPC at