We are honored to host the Scholastic Art Awards for our areas youth. Celebrating the creative ideas and ambitions of this vibrant generation.
This year, 2,791 area middle and high school students working with 188 teachers submitted over 3,860 pieces of art to 2025 Scholastics Art Awards in our region. There are 1167 award winning pieces of art. Award recipients at the national level are invited to participate in the Awards. Ceremony held at Carnegie Hall, have their work shown in noted galleries, attend workshops, be considered for scholarships, and have their names included in the New York Times article covering the Scholastic Art Awards.
Since 1923 The Scholastic Art & Writing Award program has sought to encourage, foster, and reward creativity in our nation’s classrooms and to confer recognition on emerging talent. Our region, which covers 19 counties, has participated for decades, beginning in the Tea Room of the former Robertson’s Department Store in downtown South Bend. L.S. Ayres hosted the exhibition until the South Bend Museum of Art became involved in 1985. The Scholastic Art Awards represents the most comprehensive national annual assessment of the creative spirit among American teens. Three core values have not changed since The Awards inception: freedom of expression, a blind adjudication process, and work criteria based on originality, technical proficiency, and emergence of personal voice.
The Scholastic Art Awards represents the most comprehensive national annual assessment of the creative spirit among American teens. Three core values have not changed since The Awards inception: freedom of expression, a blind adjudication process, and work criteria based on originality, technical proficiency, and emergence of personal voice.
February 8 – April 13 | Warner & Crowley Community Galleries
Scholastic Art Awards Sneak Peek! | SBMA First Fridays
Friday, February 7 | 5 – 8 pm
Sponsored by the Shein Trust

Support Provided in Part By

Everwise Foundation | Community Foundation of St.Joseph County | Katie Humphreys & Ralph Komasinski | Indiana University South Bend
Raclin Murphy Museum of Art | Radiology, Inc. | South Bend Community School Corporation | Penn Harris Madison School Corporation
Indiana Arts Commission
Award Sponsors
Art League | Barbara Miller | Docent Group of SBMA & Raclin Murphy Museum of Art | Indiana Women’s Caucus for Art | Northern Indiana Artist Association | Northern Indiana Pastel Society | South Bend Hoosier Art Patrons | St. Joe Valley Watercolor Society
Visual Voices and Portfolio Award Sponsor
Department of Art, Art History and Design, University of Notre Dame
SBMA Patron Society Members
Steve & Louise Anella | Deborah Bernhard | Janette Burkhart-Miller | Karla P. Davenport | Betsy Fulnecky | Bob & Pat Kill | Paul & Jessica Maich | Patrick & Sharon McManus | Sara Miller | Chris & Carmi Murphy | Gundega Penikis | John & Barbara Phair |Dick & Mary Reineke | David & Mitzi B. Sabato | William & Diane Sarnat | Lisa Shaffer & Amy Heller | Andrew & Rebecca Sommese | George C. Stump | Clint & Anita Thompson | Martyn & Kathleen Wills
Individual Donors
Nancy Ball | John Blosser & Rebecca Unternahrer | Marsha Brook | Dayle Brown | Christine Burke | Mary Ann Butkovich | Judith Chase | Jody Crandall | Karla P. Davenport | Linda DeCelles | Elizabeth & Ronald DeWinter | Sharon Donlon | Debbie Dulcet | Judith Eck | Angie & Phil Faccenda | Anne Feferman | Helen Geglio | Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Germano | Bill & Leslie Gitlin | Joe Griesinger | Dan & Christine Kelley | Marjorie Kinsey | Jon & Edwina Kintner | Drs. William & Julia Knight | Phil Kwiecinski | Michael Lampsa | Mr. & Mrs. Tim Link | Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mancini | Claudia A. Maslowski, in memory of Adam Kuspa | Catherine McCormick | Raymond McLein | Lou & Jenny Miller | Emily Neufeld | Kathleen Neuhoff | William O’Rourke | John Pfeil | Mary & Dick Reineke | Nancy Remke | Charles & Carol Rosenberg | Lynda B. Simon | William Spalding | Rod Spear | Michael & Ruth Sriver | Elton Stephens | Ann Tideman & Wayne Falda | Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Weber | Craig & Cyndy Wilson | Nanci Yokom | William & Sue Lamie | Tami McNally | Ruth Warren | Leland & Madeline MacMillan | Gurley Leep Automotive Family | Carolyn & Brent Banulis | Cristyne & James Porile | Kathleen & Bruce Wolfe