Jeremy Bailey

The Future

Exhibition Dates:

April 17 – July 3, 2021
Project Room

Capture, upload, share, repeat. The side-by-side development of social media platforms and phone cameras has been incredibly mutually beneficial. Both fuel each other’s growth. One beckons for images to share while the other is the tool for capturing, editing and uploading them. Everyone becomes a curator to a greater or lesser degree, choosing which images to share and how to caption them, performing an online persona that is most often the “best” version of a life, with beautiful shots combined with the perfect captions. If someone isn’t a legitimate internet celebrity, everyone now has the opportunity to feel like one. 

Jeremy Bailey explores aspects of digital communication, including the monetization of online celebrity. The recorded performances included in this exhibition under the guise of his online persona, Famous New Media Artist Jeremy Bailey, are quirky and funny, while also drawing attention to the constructed personalities that populate our online world.

Bailey is a self-proclaimed “Famous New Media Artist”, podcaster, venture socialist and head of experience at FreshBooks. Bailey believes that technology creatively misused empowers us all to be famous. As an artist, Bailey has performed and exhibited all over the world, from bathrooms in Buffalo to museums in Moscow. At FreshBooks, a software company, he leads experience design teams helping self employed professionals thrive; Goodpoint, his imperfect podcast collaboration with artist Rafael Rozendaal has helped thousands of creative listeners be real; and Lean Artist, an artist accelerator founded in 2016 helps artists design and launch startups that challenge convention to actually make the world a better place.

Learn more about Jeremy Bailey and his work at

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Jeremy Bailey, Nail Art Museum, 2014, performance, 5:53, video

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