April 9 – June 26, 2022
Warner Gallery
Reception: May 6 | 5:00–8:00 p.m. EST
This free, public reception will be a chance to celebrate with all of the exhibiting artists. Local artist and musician, Eli Kahn will present a short live performance beginning at 6:30 p.m. EST in conjunction with his exhibition, How Are You? No, Really…How Are You?, in the adjoining Art League Gallery. The reception will also celebrate the 2021 College Residency Exhibition.
To mark the South Bend Museum of Art’s 75th anniversary, we invited South Bend area artists of all experience levels to participate in Around the Bend. Over 220 artists are included in this exhibition that reflects our diverse and vibrant visual arts community.
The artists for Around the Bend were selected from a free, open call for submissions. Any artist 18 years of age or older, living and working in St. Joseph County and and its surrounding counties (Berrien, Cass, Elkhart, LaPorte, Marshall, Starke and St. Joseph), was welcome to apply with work created since 2020. Nearly every artist who submitted work was selected for the exhibition. Many artists are already well known within our community while others will be new to visitors, including many artists who said this is the first time they have ever shared their work publicly. The artworks exhibited are varied and span painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, jewelry, installation, digital art, mixed media, 3D animation, and more. Taken as a whole, the exhibition represents a family portrait of our community and the variety of ways we view ourselves and the world around us.
Exhibiting artists:
Alex Alert
Alex Ann Allen
David Allen
Christopher M. Anderson
Ruth Andrews
Laura Andujar
Megan Archer
Jesus Salome Arriaga
Nancy J. Arsenovic
Meg Auth
Meli Bandera
Thassian Bayingana
Desirée Beauchamp-Boucher
William T. Becker
Abigail Bill
Kari Stieglitz Black
Anne Blackburn
Steve Blackburn
Larry Bone
Jonathan Borton
Drew Braaten
Tom Brand
Tina Brink
Jose A. Bufill
Lea Bult
Mary Ann Roach Butkovich
Courtney Carroll
Jean Carter
Anastassia Cassady
Erin Cessna
Daniel Chapman
Nikki Chapman
Greg Constantine
Janko C. Constantinov
Kei J. Constatinov
Gina Costa
Jane Cowley
Katherine Cundiff
Sarah Dashley
Myah Davis
Anneke Dekker
Ninette Deliyannides
Isabella Di Bono
Michelle Engel
Alli Farkas
Julie Farmer
Lauren Feece
Thomas Fehlner
Lydia Fell
Jennifer Firestone
Mary Firtl
Christina Flanigan
Lora Fosberg
Dean Evan Francis
Marta Francis
Barbie Freel
Kari Friestad
Linda Fritschner
Mateo Galdamez
Joseph Garrastegui
Shannon Garrastegui
Taylor Garrett
Monica Garvey
Helen Geglio
Sandra Ginter
Phil Gleissner
Lea Goldman
James Goodkin
Diane Grams
Karen A. Grant
Melissa Hancock
Kirsten Hayden
William Healy
Jill Heavner
Herbert W. Helm Jr.
Shandelle Henson
Andrea Lynn Herrick
Miranda Heward
Hal Higdon
Jessica Hightower
Kim Hoffmann
Clare Hoinville
Erica Holdren
Nicolina Holt
Kuhn Hong
Bill Hughes
Geneva Hutchinson
Brian Hutsebout
Alida Isola-Wiora
Laurel Izard
Logan Jones
Shelby Jorgensen
James Jursinic
Connie Kassal
George Kassal
James Kerby
Dwight King
Pamela Kirkham
Vasilisa Kiselevich
Natalie Klein
Laura Krentz
Paul Kuharic
Elizabeth Kuntz
Krista Kuskye
Phil Kwiecinski
Timothy D. Lace
Alan J. Larkin
David Lester Learn
Amy Lenkiewicz
Paige Linback
Nikki Long
Jessica Lentych Loyd
Peg Carney Luecke
Sunday Mahaja
Bridget Marcus
Nathan Margoni
Emma Marsh
Angelo Ray Martínez
Nektaria Mattheos
Adriana K. Maxwell
Catherine McCormick
Princess McIllwain
Tami McNally
Hannah Meixel
Valerie Melisse
Maria Mercado
Angela Michielutti
Christine Mighion
Joshua M. Miller
Susan L. Moore
Julie Morris
Melonie Mulkey
Niamh Mullen
Carol L. Myers
Anne Napoli
Katie Neece
Julie Neises
Morgan Ness
Berkeley Oceguera
Haley Odiorne
Amber Olsen
Sharron Ott
Diane Overmyer
Arianna Peak
Jeanne Peckiconis
Sandra Y. Perez
Joshua Petrillo
C. Bennett Phelan
Jude Phillips
Teresa Phipps
Ian Polando
Deb Potis
Janice Purnell
Karlos A. Ramirez
Kristina Rea
Patty M. Reddy
Catherine Reidy
Gloria Zeithammer Reinke
Angela Rice
Ramiro Rodriguez
Liz Roetzel
Laurie Rousseau
Monica Sage
Kim L. Sawyer
Chad Savage
Chris Schindler
Leanne Schneider
Anna Schroedel
Ginny Scott
Edwin P. Shelton
Donna Shoberg
Camila Sánchez Siles
Ciera Nykole Silva
Mike Slaski
Daniel J. Slattery
Malachi Snyder
Natasha Somerville
Bill Spalding
Joan Spohrer
George L. Stein
Lauren Steinhofer
Bill Steinmetz
J. Cordell Steinmetz
Barbara Gentner Stephenson
Carole J. Stodder
Sherrie Styx
Jason Sunday
Teagan Sweet
Nik Swift
Mary Szabo
Chloe Teall
Clement Teo
Erin Tepe
Terrible Tony
Barbara Theile
Jennifer Thompson
Katie Toney
Paula Toth-Perez
Julie Tourtillotte
William Tourtillotte
Leora Tribble
Rizan Turk
Elle Velazquez
Megan Vogeler
Leonor Wangensteen
Susan M. Ward
Jake Webster
Mark Welch
Jackie Welsh
Judy Wenig-Horswell
Kay Westhues
Kathleen Reddy White
Robert R. Williams
Jay Wise
Teresa Greve Wolf
Zidan Wu
The Artist Tracy Lee Zarah (TaTLZ)
Jay Zerbe
Jennifer A. Zona
Installation views: