February 1 – March 7, 2020
Warner and Jerome J. Crowley Community Galleries
(Museum hours: Wednesday – Sunday, noon – 5:00 p.m.)
Meet Me in the Gallery Opening Reception: Friday, February 7, 2020 | 5:30 – 9:00 p.m. | Warner Gallery
Tickets: Adults $5, under age 12 free. (SBMA & WVPE members admitted free)
Awards Ceremony: Sunday, February 9, 2020
Century Center | Convention Hall A
1:30 p.m.: Junior High | 2:30 p.m.: Senior High
Click here for a list (pdf) of the individual awards.
For more than 90 years, The Scholastic Art & Writing Award program has sought to encourage, foster, and reward creativity in our nation’s classrooms and to confer recognition on emerging talent. Our region, which covers 18 counties, has participated for decades, beginning in the Tea Room of the former Robertson’s Department Store in downtown South Bend. L.S. Ayres hosted the exhibition until the South Bend Museum of Art became involved.
The South Bend Museum of Art is now the affiliate for the Scholastic Art Awards’ Northwest Indiana and Southwest Lower Michigan Region. This region includes the following counties: INDIANA counties of Benton, Cass, Elkhart, Fulton, Jasper, Kosciusko, Lake, LaPorte, Marshall, Newton, Porter, Pulaski, St. Joseph, Stark, White; and MICHIGAN counties of Berrien, Cass and St. Joseph.
The Scholastic Art Awards represents the most comprehensive national annual assessment of the creative spirit among American teens. Three core values have not changed since The Awards inception: freedom of expression, a blind adjudication process, and work criteria based on originality, technical proficiency, and emergence of personal voice. Students in seventh through twelfth grade submit digital images of their work, which is juried by more than 50 jurors solicited from the local arts and education community. A process of “blind adjudication” is used, whereby judging is determined on a merit basis with only the art object under review, without any knowledge as to student identity (gender, race, background, etc.). Jurors are instructed to select artwork that excels in 1) Originality, 2) Technical Skill, and 3) Emergence of a personal vision or voice.
Regional awards are given in several categories:
• Gold Key: The highest level of achievement on the regional level.
Approximately 5 – 7% of all regional submissions are recognized with Gold Key Awards and all are considered for national-level recognition.
• Silver Key: Approximately 7 – 10% of all regional submissions are recognized with Silver Key Awards.
• Honorable Mention: This Award recognizes students with artistic potential. Approximately 10 – 15% of all regional submissions receive Honorable Mention Awards.
• American Vision & Voice Nominees: Five works are selected out of all Gold Key works (across categories) as the “Best of Show” for each region.
Digital images of all of our GOLD KEY Awards are sent on to National Adjudication in New York City. Award recipients at the national level are invited to participate in the Awards Ceremony held in New York City at Carnegie Hall, have their work shown in noted galleries, attend workshops, be considered for scholarships, and have their names included in the New York Times article covering the Scholastic Art Awards.
The SAA competition has strong positive impact in our community, showcasing the vast talent in our region, not only the talent of the students, but of the teachers and mentors who work with them to assure their excellence. Many young artists who have gone on to highly productive careers in the arts have received their first encouragement and recognition through the SAA program, which bolstered their confidence to pursue their dreams.
SAA is also the most heavily attended exhibition in the SBMA annual schedule (about 5000 visitors annually) and is intrinsically connected to our mission of supporting arts education for youth. There is not a single arts program for high school and middle school students which has the broad reach or lifelong educational impact of the Scholastic Art Awards and SBMA is committed to working with the local SAA board to keep it alive and vibrant in our region.
Support the Scholastic Art Awards!
Scholastic Art Awards: South Bend Museum of Art
2019-20 Donors as of January 31, 2020:
Foundations & Major Contributors
Jack & Yumiko Champaigne
Katie Humphreys & Ralph Komasinski
Lucille Zilky Charitable Trust
South Bend Art Center Foundation
Teachers Credit Union
Walmart Portage Road, South Bend
Walmart Old U.S. 20, Elkhart
Walmart Indian Ridge Blvd., Mishawaka
Organizations, Corporations & Award Sponsors
Jim Cooke
Docent Group of SBMA & Snite Museum of Art
Indiana Women’s Caucus for Art
Inn at Saint Mary’s
Northern Indiana Pastel Society
Northern Indiana Artists
St. Joe Valley Watercolor Society
South Bend Hoosier Art Patrons
Visual Voices and Portfolio Award Sponsor
University of Notre Dame Dept. of Art, Art History & Design
Scholarship Sponsor
Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts, Indiana University South Bend
In-Kind Sponsor
Ivy Tech Community College
Don Arenz
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Banulis
Bob & Pam Beam
Mr. & Mrs. George Beamer
Mrs. William S. Benninghoff
Marsha Brook
Dayle Brown
Mark Carney
Judith Chase
Karla P. Davenport
Ron DeWinter
Sharon Donlon
Debbie Dulcet
Lucy Emery
John Falda
Anne Feferman
Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Frieden
Helen Geglio
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Germano
Leslie Gitlin
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Halloran
Abner Hershberger
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hickner
Janet Johnson
Douglas & Marjorie Kinsey
Dr. & Mrs. Jon Kintner
Drs. William & Julia Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Kuzmich
Michael Lampsa
Joan Laudeman
Charles F. Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Link
Dr. & Mrs. William Lopatin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mancini
Claudia A. Maslowski
Tami McNally
Charles & Sharon Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. John Phair
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Phelan
Charlene Plasschaert
Ally Powers
Sheila Przybysz
Dr. & Mrs. J.R. Reineke
Mr. & Mrs. William Reinke
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rosenberg
Mr. & Ms. Doug Sakaguchi
Mr. & Mrs. L. Brown Sanders
Dr. & Mrs. William Sarnat
Philip H. Schatz
Darlene Scherer
Lynn Schram
Gail Schroeder
Barry Shein & Cari Groman Shein
Mrs. Charles S. Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sommese
William Spalding
Mr. & Mrs. Don Sporleder
Richard Q. Stifel
Joan Storey
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Taylor
Ann Tideman
Maria Tomasula
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Toothaker
Linda & Erik Waelchli
Mary Watt-Strieder
Thomas Werge
Cyndy & Craig Wilson
Mark & Dawn Wobbe
Dr. Robert Wolosin
Doreen Zisla